About The Club

Dear Classic Car enthusiasts,

The ‘Classic Car Club of Hong Kong’ (CCCHK) was established in 1979 by several classic car enthusiasts with the help of HKAA, being later officially registered as a non-profit organization in 1989.

In the early days there were only a few members, but over the years our number has grown to now more than 600 members. The reasons for this are varied and most likely due to the Club organizing a variety of enjoyable activities every month where Members can exchange the culture of classic cars, enjoy seeing each others fine pieces of machinery, talk about vehicle performance, swap information on collection and maintenance experience, and discuss the value and prices around the world for various cars.

Today the most expensive classic cars can be sold at Auction for over HK$100,000,000.oo. Owning classic cars is not just a hobby, but also serves as an investment.

At present the Club organizes a series of events through the year: our ‘Sunday Morning Drive’ is a regular monthly cruise around the New Territories; we actively participate in charitable activities such as visiting elderly homes and orphanages; we join classic car parades for Government and local Councils; our Racing Section has an active programmed of Races in Sepang, Malaysia; and most importantly, our annual Charter Road Show in Central District where we choose the best classic cars to be honoured in the Concourse d’Elegance.

We welcome all Members to join the CCCHK activities, where we can share our passion for driving classic cars, but also to contribute to Society.

The Classic Car Club of Hong Kong


香港老爺車會最初在 HKAA 會協助之下由幾位老爺車愛好者成立于 1979 年,在 1989 年時正式註冊為一個非盈利機構 。

由早期只得幾名會員,到現在我們的會員數目已增至 600 多。會員增長數目迅速原因是本會經常舉辦各種老爺車相關活動供會員參與,會員可透過活動與其它會員交換各種老爺車心得如收藏、價格或維修等,還可在活動內欣賞到各式各樣的老爺車。


本會不斷舉辦一連串活動,除每月定期舉辦的星期日遊車河可讓會員駕著老爺車暢遊新界外 ;我們亦積極參與各種慈善活動,如探訪老人院和孤兒院等 ;我們亦有參加由政府或地區舉辦的老爺車巡遊或展覧,而賽車部亦定期在馬來西亞舉辦多場老爺車賽事。當然最重要的莫過於一年一度在遮打道舉行的車展及最優雅老爺車選舉。



CCCHK Committee


Arthur Lai

Raymond Chung

Jonathan Chow

Clement Chen

Joe Fung

Ken Ho

Andrew Ng

Michael Noronha

Edwin Chan


Justin Lui

Martin Lee

Kelvin Ming

Keith Martin


Chairman / Honorary Advisor

Vice Chairman/Magazine Editor

Club Accountant

Honorary Treasurer

Sponsorship Coordinator

Local Events / China Drives

Membership Secretary

Committee Member

Regalia Coordinator

Committee Member

Social Media Manager

Committee Member

Committee Member

Honorary Advisor